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for 2 or 4 or 6
By Mary Lee Taylor
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Dear Friend,
The cookies you make, the candies, thespecial dishes—even the very smell ofthem baking or cooking—are thingsyour family will remember long afterthe holidays.
It takes time, of course, to make thesegood things—but with the recipes inthis booklet, it will take muchless time. For instance, thosedelicious Butterscotch Balls andCoconut Kisses are so simple tomake there need never be anempty candy jar. If there’s a“junior” cook at your house, lether try them—she’ll be so proudof her success.
You will be famous for your cookieswhen you serve fruity Pineapple DateBars, or rich, tender Holiday Crescents—whichare merely shaped into half-moons,not rolled. Mincemeat CupCakes are almost little fruit cakes—andEasy Fruit Coffee Cake is soquickly made with yeast and biscuit-mixyou could have it for a festiveChristmas breakfast.
When friends drop in, entertaining’seasy with Bacon Rarebit—or withCheese Chips in the icebox, all readyto slice and bake at a moment’s notice.I haven’t forgotten your Christmasdinner—there’s a Potato Stuffing forthe holiday bird, a baking chart tomake it a complete success, a deliciousvegetable and a new salad dressing.
Perhaps you’re thinking allthese good things take extraamounts of expensive butterand cream. Quite the opposite!Pet Milk actually saves on butterbecause it’s whole milk concentratedto double richness. Infact, you can use it in place ofcream for whipped toppings,desserts and for coffee—at less thanhalf the cost of cream. Even whenmixed with an equal amount of water,Pet Milk is rich, wholesome milkthat costs less generally than ordinarymilk.
I know these recipes will help youserve the best of Christmas treats—andI send them with my wishes for thehappiest of holidays.
Mary Lee Taylor(signature)