The Continental Monthly
Devoted to Literatre and National Policy.
VOL. I.—May, 1862.—No. V.
- Contents
- What Shall We Do With It?
- A Philosophic Bankrupt.
- The Molly O'Molly Papers.
- No. III.
- No. IV.
- All Together.
- A True Story.
- Maccaroni And Canvas.
- On The Campagna.
- Bacchus In Rome.
- Caper 'Starts' A Menagerie.
- Fairies.
- John Bright.
- The Ante-Norse Discoverers Of America.
- The Chinese In Mexico In The FifthCentury.
- State Rights.
- Roanoke Island.
- A Story Of Mexican Life.
- Changed.
- Hamlet A Fat Man.
- The Knights Of The Golden Circle.
- Columbia's Safety.
- Ursa Major.
- Fugitives At The West.
- The Education To Be.
- Guerdon.
- Literary Notices
- Editor's Table
- Prospectus Of The Continental Monthly.
- The Continental Monthly—Publisher's Notice.
- Notes
What Shall We Do With It?
The first blood that was shed in ourRevolutionary struggle, was in Boston,in March, 1770. The next at Lexington,in June, 1775.
The interval was filled with acts ofcoercion and oppression on the oneside and with complaints and remonstranceson the other. But the thoughtof Independence was entertained by veryfew of our people, even for some timeafter the affair at Lexington. Loyaltyto the mother country was professedeven by those most cl