E-text prepared by Suzanne Shell, Richard Prairie, Tonya Allen,
and Project Gutenberg Distributed Proofreaders
Folly and Wisdom, Heavenly twins,
Sons of the god Imagination,
Heirs of the Virtues--which were Sins
Till Transcendental Contemplation
Transmogrified their outer skins--
Friend, do you follow me? For I
Have lost myself, I don't know why.
Resuming, then, this erudite
And decorative Dedication,--
Accept it, John, with all your might
In Cinquecentic resignation.
You may not understand it, quite,
But if you've followed me all through,
You've done far more than I could do.
To the literary, literal, and scientific mind purposeless fiction isabhorrent. Fortunately we all are literally and scientifically inclined;the doom of purposeless fiction is sounded; and it is a great comfort tobelieve that, in the near future, only literary and scientific workssuitable for man, woman, child, and suffragette, are to adorn thelingerie-laden counters in our great department shops.
It is, then, with animation and confidence that the author politelyoffers to a regenerated nation this modern, moral, literary, and highlyscientific work, thinly but ineffectually disguised as fiction, indeference to the prejudices of a few old-fashioned story-readers whostill survive among us.