Transcriber's Note:
This text was typed for Project Gutenberg by K Hindall<> from a PDF at<> and edited byPadraig O hIceadha.
This book was written in 1915, for the amusement of my wife and myselfat a time when life was not very amusing; it was published at the endof 1917; was reviewed, if at all, as one of a parcel, by some briskuncle from the Tiny Tots Department; and died quietly, withoutseriously detracting from the interest which was being taken in theWorld War, then in progress.
It may be that the circumstances in which the book was written havemade me unduly fond of it. When, as sometimes happens, I amintroduced to a stranger who starts the conversation on the rightlines by praising, however insincerely, my books, I always say, "But