I. | ARCHITECTURE.—Marble and Mosaic.—ByT.R. SPENCE.—A paper recently read before the ArchitecturalAssociation, London, containing valuable suggestions for designersof buildings. |
| The St. Lawrence Hospital for the Insane.—ANew York State hospital recently built from designs by the Statearchitect.—Full description.—1 illustration. |
II. | BOTANY.—Lavender and itsVarieties.—The history, properties, and technology of thisplant.—2 illustrations. |
III. | CHEMISTRY.—A Projecting Apparatus ofPrecision.—A useful adjunct for the chemist's balance,accelerating the operation of weighing.—1illustration. |
| Spectrum of the Sun and Elements. |
| Allotropic Forms of Metals. |
IV. | HYDRAULICS.—The Power of Water, orHydraulics Simplified. —By G.D. HISCOX.—Current wheelsfor power and raising water. Interesting presentation of thispractical portion of the subject. —4 illustrations. |
V. | MECHANICAL ENGINEERING.—Compressed AirProduction.— By WM. L. SAUNDERS.—A Sibley Collegelecture, giving full elaboration to this importantsubject.—The various forms of compressors and generalfeatures of the service.—18 illustrations. |
| Improved Pneumatic Hammer.—A suspensionhammer capable of delivering 500 blows per minute.—8illustrations. |
| The Thermic Motor of the Future?—Aremarkable exposition of the possibilities of the gasengine.—Recent experiments under M. Aime Witz.—2illustrations. |
VI. | MEDICINE AND HYGIENE.—The ElectricalPurification of Sewage and Contaminated Water.—By WM.WEBSTER. |
VII. | NAVAL ENGINEERING.—The New German DispatchBoat Meteor.—A German built war vessel of greatspeed.—Her dimensions and rating.—1illustration. |
| The Raising of the Ulunda.—A remarkablefeat.—The raising of a steamship sunk off NovaScotia.—10 illustrations. |
VIII. | TECHNOLOGY.—Starches for the Finishing ofCotton Fabrics. —Classification of starches, withillustrations of their appearance under the microscope. |