

By Francois Coppee

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Break in his memory, like a book withseveral leaves torn outDreams, instead of livingEgotists and cowards always have areason for everythingEternally condemned to kill each otherin order to liveFortunate enough to keep those onelovesGod forgive the timid and the prattler!Good form consists, above all things,in keeping silentHappiness exists only by snatches andlasts only a momentHe does not know the miseries ofambition and vanityHe almost regretted herHow sad these old memorics are in theautumnInoffensive tree which never had harmedanybodyIntimate friend, whom he has known forabout five minutesIt was all delightfully terrible!Learned that one leaves college almostignorantMild, unpretentious men who leteverybody run over themMy good fellow, you are quite worthlessas a man of pleasureNever travel when the heart istroubled!Not more honest than necessaryNow his grief was his wife, and livedwith himPaint from naturePoor France of Jeanne d'Arc and ofNapoleonRedouble their boasting after eachdefeatSociety people condemned to hypocrisyand falsehoodTake their levity for heroismTediousness seems to ooze out throughtheir bindingsThe leaves fall!  the leaves fall!The sincere age when one thinks aloudTired smile of those who have not longto liveTrees are like men; there are some thathave no luckUniversal suffrage, with its accustomedintelligenceUpon my word, there are no ugly ones(women)Very young, and was in love with loveVoice of the heart which alone haspower to reach the heartWere certain against all reasonWhen he sings, it is because he hassomething to sing about

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