E-text prepared by Kevin Handy, John Hagerson,
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
Little Jim knew that something strange had happened, because Big Jim,his father, had sold their few head of cattle, the work team, and the farmimplements, keeping only the two saddle-horses and the pack-horse, Filaree.When Little Jim asked where his mother had gone, Big Jim told him that shehad gone on a visit, and would be away a long time. Little Jim wanted toknow if his mother would ever come back. When Big Jim said that she wouldnot, Little Jim manfully suppressed his tears, and, being of that frontierstock that always has an eye to the main chance, he thrust out his hand."Well, I'll stick with you, dad. I reckon we can make the grade."
Big Jim turned away and stood for a long time gazing out of the cabinwindow toward town. Presently he felt a tug at his coat-sleeve.
"Is ma gone to live in town?"
[pg2]"Then why don't you go get her?"
"She don't want to come bac