“Paa Skare.”
iiiSince the first edition of this book was produced two years agopopular interest in the sport has increased by leaps and bounds.We have endeavoured to keep pace with the times, and thepresent volume is an attempt to give a really complete accountof the sport, which will be useful to beginners and experts alike.To the historical part has been added a chapter on Continentalski-running, whilst the technical part has been remodelled,enlarged, and, we trust, rendered more lucid and complete.Wherever necessary new diagrams have been added, and thewhole-page illustrations have been chosen with a view to indicatingthe great beauty and variety of the snow regions of theearth.
Here and there actual alterations of views previously expressedwill be found. We make no apology for these, but desire franklyto acknowledge our errors, and to thank those friendly criticswho have pointed them out. With ignorant criticism we havebeen very little troubled, and with actual hostility simply notat all.
We are further greatly indebted to the many friends whohave rendered us positive assistance. The frontispiece is fromHerr Halström’s wonderful picture “Paa Skare,” which thatgentleman has given us unqualified leave to reproduce. Theski-runner which it depicts also serves as a central figure for thecover, designed by Mr. Nico Jungman. To those who haveivkindly permitted us to copy their photographs we hereby takethe opportunity of expressing our best thanks. The outline ofthe Solberg Hill is from an accurate drawing by Herr Von deBeauclair published in Ski, to the editor of which paper we arealso indebted for the drawings illustrating Herr Sohm’s detachableseal’s-skin and climbing-irons. To Herr S. Höyer-Ellefsen,Herr Fredrik Juell, Herr Trygve Smith, Herr Durban Hansen,and numerous other skilful Norwegian runners we are gratefulfor many a useful hint and word of advice, whilst we owe toHerr Zdarsky a valuable practical demonstration of his methodsof teaching. Messrs. C. W. Richardson, E. H. Wroughton,