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In the name of God, the merciful thegracious.—God grant his blessing upon ourlord (seidna) Mohammed. Blessed be He in whosehand is the kingdom & who is Almighty; whocreated death & life that he might make you thebest of his works; for he is exalted; he is the forgiver(of sins,) who created seven heavens one above theother. Do you discern anything trifling in creation.Bring back your thoughts. Do you see anythingworthless. Recall your vision in earnest. Turn youreye inward for it is diseased. God has adornedthe heavens & the world with lamps, & has madeus missiles for the devils, & given us for them a grievouspunishment, & to those who have disbelievedtheir Lord, the punishment of hell & pains of body.Whoever associates with them shall hear a boilingcaldron, & what is cast therein may fitly representthose who suffer under the anger of God.—Ask themif a prophet (director) has not been sent unto them.They say, “yes; a prophet has come to us, but we have liedto him.” We said, “God has not sent us down any thing, &you are in grievous error.” They say, “If we hadlistened & been wise we should not now have beensuffering the punishment of the Omniscient.” Sothey confess they have sinned in destroying the followersof the Omniscient. Those who fear their Lord& profess his name, they receive pardon & greathonor. Guard your words, (ye wicked), make itknown that God is all-wise in all his manifestations.Do you not know from the creation that Godis full of skill? that He has made for you the wayof error, & you have walked therein, & have chosento live upon what your god, Nasûr has furnishedyou. Believe on Him who dwells in heaven, whohas fitted the earth to be your support & it shallgive you food. Believe on Him who dwells inHeaven, who has sent you a prophet, & you shallunderstand what a teacher (He has sent you.)Those that were before them deceived them (in regardto their prophet.) And how came they to reject him?Did they not [↑see] in the heavens above them, how thefowls of the air receive with pleasure that whichis sent them? God looks after all. Believe ye: itis He who supplies your wants, that you may take2his gifts & enjoy them, & take great pleasure in