“Get back, Ye Houn’!”

Grace Harlowe’s Overland Riders
in the Yellowstone National Park
by Jessie Graham Flower, A. M.
Akron, Ohio—New York
Made in U. S. A.

Copyright MCMXXIII
by the Saalfield Publishing Company


Chapter I—The Overlanders Get a Shock

The arrival at Cinnabar. “It takes more than a sign to make a hotel.”The guide is missing. Stacy goes to look for Jake Coville and meets witha distressing experience. The stock car yields an amazing surprise.“Those are not our ponies!” cries Nora.

Chapter II—The Wires Bring Bad News

The mystery of the missing ponies. Overland Riders left without a guideor a horse. Hippy makes the telegraph wires “sing.” A fine display oftemper. Lieutenant Wingate, in his bare feet, chases a telegraphmessenger from camp.

Chapter III—On the Road to Wonderland

Emma Dean declines to kiss a horse. The Overland men go in search of newmounts. Hippy delivers an oration. Stacy avers that someone is alwaystaking the joy out of life. Jim Badger engages himself to guide theparty.

Chapter IV—Unbidden Guests in Camp

Overland Riders are awakened by the fat boy’s yells. Grizzly bearsinvade the camp. Stacy shoots and misses. Park guards descend on theOverland camp in search of the “shooter.” “You are all under arrest!”announces Trooper White.

Chapter V—Stacy Gets Another Shock

“Strike your camp!” orders the Park guard. Overland Riders are arraignedbefore the commanding officer. Chunky admits that he missed the bear heshot at. “Fifty dollars” gasps the fat boy. Tom Gray delivers abrief lecture. A scene that delighted and mystified.

Chapter VI—The Infant Geyser Gets Busy

Stacy is fascinated by the baby “spouter.” The fat boy’s actions arousethe Overlanders’ suspicions. “He’s done it! He’s done it” wails Nora.Stacy is enveloped in a cloud of steam as the “Infant Geyser” blows up.A thrilling message from Chunky.

Chapter VII—In the Toils

Overlanders learn that Stacy Brown is in jail. Emma thinks it will provebeneficial to the fat boy. Accused of blowing up the “InfantGeyser.” Elfreda Briggs appoints herself Stacy’s lawyer, and gainssome valuable information.

Chapter VIII—Hippy Pays the Piper

Emma Dean objects to “killing the fatted calf.” Overlanders hold afamily council and appoint Emma as the fat boy’s guardian. Stacyrebells. Chunky comes a cropper. Colonel Scott hears a familiar name. “Iknow you, young woman! I should say I do!”



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