[pg 21]

Volume 148, January 13th, 1915.
edited by Owen Seamen


"The enemy is not yet subdued," announced theKaiser in his New Year's address to histroops. It is gratifying to have this rumour confirmed from a sourceso unimpeachable.

Prince Buelow is finding himself detrop at Rome. "Man wants but little here,Buelow," he is being told.

"Stick it!" it may be remembered, was Generalvon Kluck's Christmas message as publishedin a German newspaper. The journal in question is evidently read inConstantinople, for the Turks are now stated to have sent severalthousand sacks of cement to the Egyptian frontier with which to fillup the Suez Canal.

After all, it is pointed out, there is not very much differencebetween the reigning Sultan of Turkey andhis predecessor. The one is The Damned, and the other The Doomed.

With reference to the "free fight" between Austrians and Germansin the concentration camp at Pietermaritzburg, which Reuter reportedthe other day, we now hear that the fight was not entirely free.Several of the combatants, it seems, were afterwards fined.

The latest English outrage, according to Berlin, was done upon theGerman officer who attempted to escape in a packing-case. It is saidthat he has been put back in his case, which has been carefullysoldered up, and then as carefully mislaid.

Another typical German lie is published by the FrankfurterZeitung. Describing the First Lord thissheet says:—"Well built, he struts about elegantly dressed...." Thosewho remember our Winston's little porkpiehat will resent this charge.

An awfully annoying thing has happened to the VossischeZeitung. Our enterprising little contemporary asked three Danishprofessors to state in what way they were indebted to German science,and they all gave wrong answers. They said they were also indebted toEnglish science.


Daily Mail.

It was, of course, inevitable that the hunts should suffer throughthe war.

The Evening Standard has been making enquiries as to theeffect of the War on the membership of the various Clubs. The reportfrom the Athenæum was "The War has not affected the club atall." Can it be that the dear old fellows have not heard of ityet?

"Business as usual" is evidently Paraguay's motto. They are havingone of their revolutions there in spite of the War.

The Tate Gallery authorities have now placed the pictures theyvalue most in the cellars of that institution, and the expression onthe face of any artist who finds his work still on the wall is initself a picture.

... all his New Year's gifts.

Gallant attempt by a member of the BritishExpeditionary Force to do justice to all his New Year's gifts.]

Famous Lines.

"After plying regul



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