The Philistine
A Periodical of Protest.
I have peppered two of them: two I’m sure I havepaid, two rogues in buckram.—King Henry IV.
Printed Every Little Whilefor The Society of The Philistinesand Published byThem Monthly. Subscription,One Dollar Yearly
Single Copies, 10 Cents. September, 1895.
Edited by H. P. Taber.
The Birth of the Flower. |
John Northern Hilliard |
A Notable Work. |
Elbert Hubbard |
The Manners Tart. |
Clara Cahill Park |
A Matter of Background. |
William McIntosh |
In Slippery Places. |
W. |
A Lantern Song. |
Stephen Crane |
The Rubaiyat of O’Mara Khayvan. |
W. M. |
Notes. |
The Philistine is published monthly at $1 ayear, 10 cents a single copy. Subscriptions may beleft with newsdealers or sent direct to the publishers.
Business communications should be addressed toThe Philistine, East Aurora, New York. Matterintended for publication may be sent to the sameaddress or to Box 6, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Entered at the Postoffice at East Aurora, New York, for transmissionas mail matter of the second class.