vol. iii.—no. 123. | Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. | price four cents. |
Tuesday, March 7, 1882. | Copyright, 1882, by Harper & Brothers. | $1.50 per Year, in Advance. |
There was a commotion in the moon. Father Time had the rheumatism inboth legs, and could not move from his seat by the fire-place. This wasa horrible state of affairs. For thousands upon thousands ofyears—nobody knows how many—he had never failed to make his visit tothe earth, and now he was helpless; and what would be the result of aday's neglect of duty? Perhaps the world would come to an end; for withthe end of Time, what else could be expected? At all events, hisreputation would be ruined, and the bare idea made him writhe and groan.
"My dear, pray be more careful," said his wife, anxiously. "If you tossyour arms about in that reckless[Pg 290] fashion, you will certainly do somemischief. I have picked up your scythe seven times, and your hour-glasswas just on the point of tumbling from the table."
"Let it tumble,