Boston National Historical Park
Produced by the
Division of Publications
National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Washington, DC
Deep within Boston Harbor, Charlestown Navy Yardwas birthplace, repair center, outfitting base, andport of refuge for thousands of U.S. naval vessels. This isthe story of the yard, the ships it served, and the peoplewho kept them seaworthy.
Boston Harbor; about 1870. Visible in theforeground are Charlestown Navy Yard’s timber dock (left)and dry dock (center left, with docked vessel). The shipsanchored off the navy yard piers are (left) U.S.S. Ohio, theyard’s receiving ship (for housing recruits and sailors transferringbetween vessels), and U.S.S. Wabash “in ordinary” (thatis, out of commission and in storage).
In 1803, U.S.S. Constitution was careened at aBoston wharf for recoppering before sailing for the Mediterraneanto confront the Barbary States.
U.S. Naval Shipyards