Scientific kite flying has attracted the attention of the world. Thiskite is the invention of H.H. Clayton, Chief Observer at Blue HillObservatory, near Boston. It is used at this and other weather stationsfor sending up instruments in making observations. Kites of this typehave attained the wonderful height of 9,200 feet, nearly two miles.
Anybody can fly this kite. It goes up straight from the hand like abird. Will fly in a moderate breeze, and yet no wind short of a gale istoo strong for it. It is made of strong, selected wood, and the finestcotton, in red.
This comprehensive series of books will present upon a symmetrical planthe best available literature in the various fields of human learning,selected with a view to the needs of students of all grades insupplementing their school studies and for home reading.
It is believed that this project will fully solve the long-standingproblem as to what kind of reading shall be furnished to the young, andwhat will most benefit them intellectually as well as morally.
The Story of the Birds. By James Newton Baskett. 65 |
The Plant World. By Frank Vincent. 60 |
The Story of Oliver Twist. Edited by Ella B. Kirk. 60 |
In Brook and Bayou. By Clara Kern Bayliss. 60 |
Curious Homes and their Tenants.By James Carter Beard. 65 |
These books will be found especially desirable for school use, in supplementing class-room studies