Teachers are discovering that no matter howmuch novelty there is in their entertainment,how well it is arranged, how thoroughlydrilled, if they want to hold the active interestof the audience they must use the best of songs.The songs must be real novelties. The wordsmust be interesting as well as decidedly clever.The music must be catchy and abounding in richmelody. With these things in mind we haveprepared this list of superior song novelties forour patrons. All are in regular sheet music form.
Stage shows interior of doll shop. Shop Woman, Guests andSoldier Doll are on stage when curtain rises. Dolls enter as announced;all except Rag Dolls walk stiffly across stage. Afterthey speak they stand at rear of stage.
Child—Little girl in ordinary dress.
Shop Woman—Taller girl, dark dress, white apron.
Guests—Any number girls.
Soldier Doll—Boy in scout or soldier suit.
Rag Dolls—Girls in blue gingham dresses and bonnets—very limp.
French Doll—Girl with curls, big hat, ruffled dress.
Farmer Doll—Boy in overalls, big straw hat.
Paper Doll—Child in crepe paper costume.
Baby Doll—Very small girl—long white dress and cap.
Sailor Doll—Boy in sailor suit.
Collapsible Dolls—Children in red rompers and caps.