"For the Commandment is a Lamp; and the Light is Life; and Reproofs ofInstruction are the Way of Life." Proverbs vi, 23.
Subject one of Grave Interest—Rule of Discipline—CharlesWesley and the Ministers—The True Ground—Our Destiny,and on what it Depends—The Sentiment of the MethodistEpiscopal Church—How a Minister may seek Recreation—Howa Layman—Recommendation,
City full of Boys and Girls, playing—Play not wrong—Letthe Children, the Youth, the Mature, and even the Agedhave their times of Rest and Recreation—Laughter as piousas Tears—How shall we Play?—The World wants to Playwith the Church, and lead us in their Path—Total Separationneither Desirable nor Possible—One or the othermust Yield—The Church can not—Conscience Resists—Principlesare in the way—The World can Yield and LoseNothing—The World ought to Yield,
What is the Aim of Recreation?—Rules that Govern:1. Our Recreations must not be Immoral; 2. Not Damagingto Christian Reputation; 3. Must not Interfere withOur Duty; 4. Must not Injure Health; 5. Must not WasteMoney; 6. Must not Waste Time; 7. Ought to Improvethe Mind and the Heart; 8. Ought to Impart Pleasure,
Said to be a Good Place to Learn History, etc.—SomePlays "as Good as Sermons"—Doubts—Theater always aHaunt of Evil—Must be so or Fail—The Theater that triedto be "