The birds, quite mute, the trees, stripped of their green livery, the shortened days and lengthened nights, together with the piercing winds and pinching frosts, now show us that winter is come: stern Winter, which resembles Old Age, or the closing scene.
Yet, even this season is not void of its beauties and blessings. The new fallen snow caps the mountains, and covers the valleys, with a white and beautiful vesture, which is thrown into many curious forms, folds, and ridges, by the rude blasts of the driving winds.
What can exceed the dazzling splendour of a rising sun, on the trees and bushes, after a night of rain and freezing, when every branch appears like a shining crystal? A prospect grand indeed!
The severe frosts of Winter, with the agitated atmosphere, dispel the sickening fumes which arise from heated and stagnant pools, and decaying vegetation.
This gives health and vigour to the body, and an it were, new spring to thought. Who but has observed the lively sensations of body and mind on a clear frosty morning in winter? What a contrast to the languor experienced after a sultry night in summer or in autumn.
Although there are now no fields of corn to hoe or harvest to cut, yet the winter is not a scene of inactivity. It is undoubtedly the will of Heaven, that man should labour—The constitutions of his body and mind are so formed, as greatly to need it. Moderate labour tends to the health of both.
The woodman, with his axe, engages the sturdy oak, which by his repeated strokes, bows its ancient and venerable head, and comes tumbling to the ground. It is then cut into suitable lengths, and carted home for the fire.
The grain is now threshed out from the straw, and cleared from the chaff by the wind or a fan. The wheat, rye, and buckwheat, are then carried to the mill, ground into flour, brought home and made into bread, pies, cakes, &c.
Barley is used to make beer, oats to feed horses, and Indian corn for both man and beast.
Much attention to the poor dumb animals is necessary, who look up to man for protection. The horsed cows, and sheep are to be foddered early and late, and provided with proper shelter.