Vol. 159.

November 10th, 1920.

[pg 361]


Now that the Presidential electionsare over it is hoped that any Irish-Americanswho joined the Sinn Feinmurder-gang for electioneering purposeswill go home again.

Owing to pressure on space, dueamong other things to the Americanelection, the net sale controversy inone of our contemporaries was heldover on Wednesday last. We are quitesure that neither Senator Harding norMr. Cox was aware of his responsibilityin the matter.

Lord Howard de Walden says, "Iwould rather trust a crossing-sweeperwith an appreciation ofmusic than a man whocomes from a public school."We agree. The former ismuch more likely to havebeen a professional musicianin his time.

The mystery of the Scottishgolf club that was recentlyinundated with applicationsfor membership isnow explained. It appearsthat a caddy refused a tipof sixpence offered him byone of the less affluent members,and the story somehowleaked out.

At one Hallowe'en dinnerheld in London the haggiswas ten minutes late. It issaid that it had had troublewith a dog on the way andhad come off second best.

The man who was heardlast week to say that he had no idea thatMrs. Asquith had published a book ofmemoirs has now, on the advice of hisfriends, consented to see a doctor.

The clergy of Grays, in Essex, areadvocating the abolition of Sundayfunerals. It is said that quite anumber of strict Sabbatarians have arooted objection to being buried onthe Sabbath.

According to an evening paper hawthornbuds have been plucked atHornsey. We don't care.

A Liberal Independent writes to askif the Mr. Lloyd George, who has beenelected Lord Rector of EdinburghUniversity, is the well-known PrimeMinister of that name.

A firm of music publishers have producedwhat they describe as a three-quarterone-step. It will soon be impossibleto go to a dance withoutbeing accompanied by a professionalarithmetician.

It seems that high prices have evenput an end to the chicken that used tocross the road.

"Only through poverty," says Mr.Maurice Hewlett, "will Englandthrive." As a result of this statementwe understand that several profiteershave decided to get down to it onceagain.

A Japanese arrested at Hull wasfound to have seven revolvers and twothousand rounds of ammunition on him.It was pointed out to him that the Warwas over long ago.

A contemporary refers to a romancewhich ended in marriage. Alas! howoften this happens.

The United States Government hasdecided to recognise the present MexicanGovernment. Mexican bandits say theyhad better take a good look at themwhile there is yet time.

A Prohibitionist asserts that Scotlandwill be dry in five years. Ourown feeling is that these end-of-the-worldprognostications should be prohibitedby law.

An Oxford professor has made himselfthe subject of a series of experimentson the effects of alcohol. Severalcollege professors of America quitereadily admit that they never thoughtof that one.

A correspondent writes to a contemporaryto say that he wears a hat exact



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