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Courteous Reader,
I through Gods divine providence, have had at ſeveraltimes, great occaſion to make uſe of Medicinesfor the health of my own body, as namelyin the year 1642, for Cuts and Shots, wherethen I came acquainted, and into familiaritywith Maſter George Dunne Chyrurgion, Maſter Leadbeater theApothecary, Maſter Guye, Maſter Hicks,and Maſter Nicholas Culpepper, by whoſe familiarity I loſt nothing,in the end of September 1663 our houſe was viſitedwith the Plague, one died before we knew what it was, the familywas five in number, I lay in the ſame bedding the deceaſeddyed out of, he dyed full of the marks, I had a Boyle in myGroyne that never brake, but went away by purging and vomiting,my fellow had one that brake, yet none dyed but the firſt,I helpt to Coffin about ſix perſons, in one family at that time,yet by Gods providence am yet alive, in the year 1649, I hada long ſickneſs from Midſomer till Chriſtmas, of that miſerablediſeaſe called the griping or plague of the Guts, which cauſedme to ſearch all publick means for cure, and having ſpent whatmeans I had upon Doctors like the woman that had the bloudyIſſue: And all gave me over for dead, I betook me to ſearch fordirections in books, and after the reading of many providenceguided me to light upon the moſt excellent and approved Worksof that famous Doctor named DON ALEXES, a man wellſkilled in the Latine Greek, Hebrew Chaldes and Arabick tongues,and of divers other Nations and Countreys, he being naturallyinclined and took a ſingular pleaſure in Phyloſophy, andin the ſecrets of nature, he travelled ſeven and twenty years togain knowledge, the five books were tranſlated into Engliſh byMaſter William Ward and Maſter Richard Andrews and Dedicatedunto the Rig BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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