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In the new and revised Edition of "The Egyptian Campaigns,"the history of the military operations in Egypthas been brought down to the present time, so as to includeall the recent fighting in the Soudan. This has been accompaniedby a slight alteration in the title of the Book, as wellas by the elimination of such details contained in the originalwork as are no longer of general interest. The space thusgained has been utilized for the purpose of bringing beforethe reader the chief events of a military character which haveoccurred in the interval which has elapsed since the Bookfirst appeared.
It has been the object of the Author to make the work inits present form a complete narrative of the rise and fall ofthe Arabist and Mahdist movements, as well as a history ofEngland's intervention in Egypt, this last a subject on whichmany persons entertain somewhat vague and indistinct ideas.
C. R.
December, 1899.