Produced by Ben Collver

The Flaming Jewel By Robert W. Chambers

Author of "Ailsa Paige," "Athalie," "Barbarians," "The Business of
Life," "The Crimson Tide," "The Dark Star," "The Fighting Chance," "The
Girl Philippa," "The Hidden Children," "The Laughing Girl," "The Little
Red Foot," "The Moonlit Way," "The Restless Sex," "The Slayer of Souls,"
"Who Goes There," etc.

A.L. Burt Company Publishers, New York Published by arrangement with
George H. Doran Company

Copyright, 1922, By George H. Doran Company

Transcriber's Note:The irregular spelling of words ("inquire", "enquire", etc.) in thisetext tend to be reproduced faithfully from the 1922 edition, butaccents are not preserved . . .

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To my friend R. T. Haines-Halsey who unreservedly believes everything Iwrite.

To R.T.

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I Three Guests at dinner! That's the life! — Wedgewood, Revere, and
Duncan Phyfe!

II You sit on Duncan — when you dare, — And out of Wedgewood, usingcare, With Paul Revere you eat your fare.

III From Paul you borrow fork and knife To wage a gastronomic strife 'nporringers; and platters rare Of blue Historic Willow-ware.

IV Banquets with cymbal, drum and fife, Or rose-wreathed feasts withriot rife To your chaste suppers can't compare.

V Let those deny the truth who dare! — Paul, Duncan, Wedgewood! That'sthe life! All else is bunk and empty air.

ENVOI The Cordon-bleu has set the pace With Goulash, Haggis,Bouillabaisse, Curry, Chop-suey, Kous-Kous Stew — I can not offer theseto you, — Being a plain, old-fashioned cook, — So pray accept thisscrambled book.

May, 1922 R.W.C.

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Episode One

Episode Two
The Ruling Passion

Episode Three
On Star Peak

Episode Four
A Private War

Episode Five
Drowned Valley

Episode Six
The Jewel Aflame

Episode Seven
Clinch's Dump

Episode Eight
Cup and Lip

Episode Nine
The Forest and Mr. Sard

Episode Ten
The Twilight of Mike

Episode Eleven
The Place of Pines

Episode Twelve
Her Highness Intervenes

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Episode One


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During the last two years, Fate, Chance, and Destiny had been too busyto attend to Mike Clinch. But now his turn was coming in the EternalSequence of things. The stars in their courses indicated the beginningof the undoing of Mike Clinch.

From Esthonia a refugee Countess wrote to James Darragh in New York: "—After two years we have discovered that it was Jose Quintana's band ofinternational thieves that robbed Ricca. Quintana has disappeared. "ALevantine diamond broker in New York, named Emanuel Sard, may be incommunication with him. "Ricca and I are going to America as soon aspossible. "Valentine."

The day Darragh received the letter he started to look up Sard.

But that very morning Sard had received a curious letter from Rotterdam.
This was the letter:




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