Chap. CXXXVII. | How the whole of us marched towards Tezcuco, and what happened to us on our way there | 1 |
Chap. CXXXVIII. | How we marched against Iztapalapan; Cortes taking along with him Alvarado and Oli; while Sandoval was left behind to protect Tezcuco | 6 |
Chap. CXXXIX. | How ambassadors arrive in Tezcuco from three neighbouring townships, to sue for peace, and to beg forgiveness for the murder of several Spaniards who had fallen into their hands; and how Sandoval marched to Chalco and Tlalmanalco, to assist the inhabitants there against the Mexicans | 8 |
Chap. CXL. | How Sandoval marches to Tlascalla in order to fetch the woodwork for building the brigantines, and what happened to him in a place which we termed the Moorish town | 15 |
Chap. CXLI. | How Cortes marches against the town of Xaltocan, which lay in the midst of the lake, about twenty-four miles from Mexico, and from thence proceeds to other townships | 18 |
Chap. CXLII. | How the captain Sandoval marches to Chalco and Tlalmanalco, and what he did there | 26 |
Chap. CXLIII. | How we marked our slaves at Tezcuco with a red-hot iron, and received intelligence that a vessel had run into Vera Cruz | 31 |
Chap. CXLIV. | How Cortes made a hostile excursion to all the cities and larger townships which lay round about the lake, and what happened on that occasion | 34 |
Chap. CXLV. | The terrible thirst we suffered on our further march; our dangerous position at Xochimilco, and the many battles we fought there with the Mexicans, un ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |