Stories of
and the
Bowie Knife
BY J. Frank Dobie
The Steck Company Austin, Texas
Copyright 1953 by
The Steck Company, Publishers
Austin, Texas
All Rights Reserved
Printed and Bound in the U.S.A.
In wanting to bring you a distinctivelydifferent Christmas greeting for 1953—as wellas one that is typically Texan—The Steck Companyturned quite naturally to Texas’ most distinguishedfolklorist, J. Frank Dobie. His writings of the pastquarter century have turned the attention of peoplein many lands to the rich folklore of the Southwest.Dobie’s recollections of three boyhood Christmasesbegin this volume. As an added fillip, his colorfulstory of the Bowie knife is included.
Warren Hunter, one of Texas’ outstanding artists,has provided striking illustrations that catch the spiritof the stories and recall days quite remote from themodern scene, yet separated from us by only a fewdecades.
Thus, with a glance backward, The Steck Companybrings you warm greetings for the 1953 season. Inthe words of Dobie, “Generous feelings and cheeringwords are never trite. Merry Christmas!”
It is a benediction of naturethat generally we remember more vividly andoftener what has given us happiness rather thanwhat has given us pain. Christmas in particularis the time for recollecting, and now I am recollectingChristmases even more remote in characterfrom modern Christmases than they arein time.
We lived on a ranch twenty-seven horse milesfrom our “shopping center.” That was Beeville,Texas, which later became the familyhome. Three or four times a year a wagon wentto town and hauled out supplies, but the biggesthaul was just before Christmas.