Moody's Stories


Copyrighted, 1884, by
F. H. Revel

Printed in United States of America

Moody's Stories

Being a Second Volume of Anecdotes
Incidents and Illustrations

By D. L. Moody

Authorized Collection

153 Institute Place

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Lady Pendulum

When Mr. Sankey and I were in London a lady whoattended our meetings was brought into the house inher carriage, being unable to walk. At first she wasvery skeptical; but one day she said to her servant:

"Take me into the inquiry room."

After I had talked with her a good while about hersoul she said:

"But you will go back to America, and it will be allover."

"Oh, no," said I, "it is going to last forever."

I couldn't make her believe it. I don't know howmany times I talked with her. At last I used the fableof the pendulum in the clock. The pendulum figuredup the thousands of times it would have to tick, andgot discouraged, and was going to give up. Then itthought, "It is only a tick at a time," and went on. Soit is in the Christian life—only one step at a time. Thathelped this lady very much. She began to see that ifshe could trust in God for a supply of grace for only oneday, she could go right on in the same way from day today. As soon as she saw this, she came out quite decided.But she never could get done talking about that pendulum.The servants called her Lady Pendulum. She had[Pg 8]a pendulum put up in her room to remind her of theillustration, and when I went away from London shegave me a clock—I've got it in my house still.

The Greater Mystery

Dr. Andrew Bonar once said that, although it was amystery to him how sin should have come into the world,it was still a greater mystery how God should have comehere to bear the penalty of it Himself.

Never Runs Dry

I remember being in a city where I noticed thatthe people resorted to a favorite well in one of the parks.I said to a man one day:

"Does the well never run dry?"

The man was drinking of the water out of the well;and as he stopped drinking, he smacked his lips, andsaid:

"They have never been able to pump it dry yet.They tried it a few years ago. They put the fire-enginesto work, and tried all they could to pump the well dry;but they found there was a river flowing right under thecity."

Thank God, the well of salvation can never run dryeither!

He Trusted his Father

A party of gentlemen in Scotland wanted to getsome eggs from a nest on the side of a precipice, andthey tried to persuade a poor boy that lived near to goover and get them, saying they would hold him by arope. They offered him a good deal of money; but theywere strangers to him, and he would not go. Theytold him they would see that no accident happened tohim; they would hold the rope.[Pg 9]

At last he said: "I will go if my father will holdthe rope."

He trusted his father.

A man will not trust strangers. I want to getacquainted with a man before I put my confidence inhim. I have known God for forty years, and I havemore confidence in



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