Three Theories of Creation Reviewed in the Lightof Admitted Facts 9
The Plutonic or fire theory stated 15
Centro-centrifugal theory 16
Heated Nebulous theory 17
The increase of heat in mining shafts no evidence of a hotcenter 19
The admitted sedimentary nature of primitive granite destroysthe Plutonic theory 22
The theories of metamorphic rock not sustained 23
Mining shafts increase in heat according to chemical action 25
Causes of volcanoes and geysers explained 26
Geologists dissatisfied with the fire theory. Submarinevolcanoes 28
Diatoms found in the earliest stratified rock 31
The Neptunian theory stated 32
All matter created at once in cold gas. God’s power neededto move matter. The first cosmological division 33
Probable length of it. The first condition of our globe inform 35