The Camp Fire Girls
At Onoway House
The Magic Garden
“The Camp Fire Girls in the Maine Woods,” “The Camp
Fire Girls at School,” “The Camp Fire
Girls Go Motoring.”
Publishers—New York
Copyright, 1916
By A. L. Burt Company
“What a lovely quiet summer we’re going tohave, we two,” exclaimed Migwan to Hinpoha, asthey stood looking out of the window of their roominto the garden, filled with rows of young growingthings and bordered by a shallow stony river.Migwan, we remember, had come to spend the summeron the little farm owned by the Bartletts andearn enough money to go to college by selling vegetables.The house in the city had been rented forthree months, and her mother, Mrs. Gardiner, andher brother Tom and sister Betty had come to thecountry with her. Hinpoha was temporarily withouta home, her aunt being away on her weddingtrip with the Doctor, and she was to stay all summerwith Migwan.
“Yes, it will be lovely,” agreed Hinpoha. “I’ve1never lived in such a quiet place before. And I’venever had you to myself for so long.” Migwan repliedwith a hug, in schoolgirl rapture. She felt alittle closer to Hinpoha than she did to the otherWinnebagos. As they stood there looking out ofthe window together they heard the honk of an automobilehorn and the sound of a car driving into theyard, and ran out to see who the guests were.
“Gladys Evans!” exclaimed Migwan, spying thenew comers. “And Nyoda! Welcome to ourcity!”
“Please mum,” said Gladys, making a long face,“could ye take in a poor lone orphan what’s got nohome to her back?”
“What’s up?” asked Migwan, laughing atGladys’s tone.
“Mother and father started for Seattle to-day,”replied Gladys, “and from there they are going toAlaska, where they will spend the summer. I hintedthat I was a good traveling companion, but theydecided that three was a crowd on this trip, and asI had done so well for myself last summer they informedme that it was their intention to put me outto seek my own fortune once more. So, hearingthat there were pleasant country places along thisroad, one in particular, I am looking for a place toboard for the summer.”
“Well, of all things!” exclaimed Migwan. “Tothink that we are to have you with us this vacation2after all, after thinking that you were going to disportyourself in California! The guest chamberstands ready; ‘will you walk into my parlor?’ saidthe Spider to the Fly.”
At this point “Nyoda,” Guardian of the WinnebagoCamp Fire group, formally kno