"The Golden Scorpion," "Dope," "The Hand of Fu-Manchu,""The Insidious Dr. Fu-Manchu,"
"TheReturn of Fu-Manchu," "Tales of SecretEgypt," "The Yellow Claw,"
"The Questof the Sacred Slipper," etc.
Publishers New York
Published by arrangement with Robert M. McBride & Co.
Copyright, 1920, by
Printed in the
United States of America
"Good evening, sir. A bit gusty?"
"Very much so, sergeant," I replied. "I think I will step into yourhut for a moment and light my pipe if I may."
"Certainly, sir. Matches are too scarce nowadays to take risks with'em. But it looks as if the storm had blown over."
"I'm not sorry," said I, entering the little hut like a sentry-boxwhich stands at the entrance to this old village high street foraccommodation of the officer on point duty at that spot. "I have alongish walk before me."
"Yes. Your place is right off the beat, isn't it?" mused myacquaintance, as sheltered from the keen wind I began to load mybriar. "Very inconvenient I've always thought it for a gentleman whogets about as much as you do."
"That's why