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The rapid development of criminological researchin this country since the organization of the AmericanInstitute of Criminal Law and Criminology, has madea place in America for this series of Criminal ScienceMonographs. Their publication is authorized by theAmerican Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology.They appear as supplements to the Journal of theInstitute. We believe the present number will satisfya real need in America.
Robert H. Gault, Chairman, Editor of the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology. | Committee on Publications American Institute of the of Criminal Law and Criminology. |
Frederic B. Crossley, Northwestern University. | |
Robert W. Millar, Northwestern University. | |
John H. Wigmore, Northwestern University. | |
Joel D. Hunter, Superintendent Chicago United Charities. |
Modern psychology is throwing so much light uponhuman behavior that concerning delinquency one cannotdo better than follow the teaching of Spinoza,“Neither condemn nor ridicule but try to understand.”Such an attitude led to the establishment of the firstmental clinic in connection with a court, where DoctorWilliam Healy revealed astonishing facts regardingcauses and cures of delinquency; such an attitude ledto this sociological study of delinquency.
Having learned from Doctor Healy the relation betweenmental conflict and misconduct and the possibilityof cure by