α. on house-marks, 594.
—— Eulenspiegel, 357. 609.
A. (A. S.) on the origin of Allen, 205.
—— bishops deprived by Queen Elizabeth, 260; in Scotland, 1638, 285.
—— Cardinal Erskine, 72.
—— consecrators of English bishops, 132.
—— constables of France, 332.
—— Gordon (Lady) of Gordonstoun, 208.
—— Inglis and Stanser (Bishops), 263.
—— Lyon King-at-arms, 208.
—— Mary, daughter of James I., 260.
—— Masque de Fer, 234.
—— Pursglove, suffragan of Hull, 65.
—— Routh, R. C. Bishop of Ossory, 72.
—— Stanley (Thomas), Bishop of Man, 209.
—— St. Munoki's day, 62.
—— Stewarts of Holland, 66.
—— vicars-apostolic in England, 243.
—— Watson (Thomas), Bishop of St. David's, 234.
—— Wauchope, Abp. of Armagh, 66.
—— Yolante de Dreux, 286.
Abbati on Roger Pell, 156.
Abhba on Archbishop King, 430.
—— Donnybrook fair, 549.
—— Dr. Geo. Miller, 527.
—— funeral custom, 496.
—— Peter Beaver, 501.
—— Sir T. F. Buxton, 452.
—— "Strike, but hear me," 237.
A. (B. M.) on Fleshier of Otley, 39.
Abrahall, Eborale, or Ebrall family, 357.
Acts xv. 23., a passage in, 204. 316.
Acworth (G. B.) on parish registers, 598.
—— Raffaelle's Sposalizio, 595.
"Adam Bell Clym of the Clough," 445.
Adams (G. E.) on the Bland family, 234.
Adamson (Alex.) noticed, 205.
Adamsoniana, 500.
Adamsons of Perth, 478.
A. (D. S.) on Rosa mystica, 182.
Adsum on termination "-itis," 13.
Adulph (St.) noticed, 84. 192.
Advertising literature, curiosities of, 4.
Advocate on marriage in Scotland, 243.
A. (E. H.) on Adamsoniana, 500.
—— Adamsons of Perth, 478.
—— Alexander Adamson, 205.
—— bells at funerals, 297.
—— Bouillon Bible, 536.
—— Bourbon family, 16.
—— displeasure singularly shown, 593.
—— Dr. Marshall, 297.
—— Dutens, anecdote of, 559.
—— Frampton (Bp.), 605.
—— Ken (Bp.), work attributed to him, 597.
—— parochial libraries, 605.
—— Philip d'Auvergne, 236.
—— St. Alban's day, 500.
—— scarfs worn by clergymen, 337.
—— Smith's Sermons, 223.
A. (F. R.) on Grub Street Journal, 268.
—— Mary Queen of Scots, 237.
—— "Pinch of Snuff," 268.
Age, the feelings of, 429. 560. 608.
Agricola de Monte on palindromical lines, 178.
Agrippa on alliterative pasquinade, 129.
A. (H.) on Bishop Hesketh, 409.
—— inscription in Rufford Church, 417.
Aitch on the Georgiad, 179.
A. (J.) on the "Rebellious Prayer," 286.
A. (J.) jun. on weather rules, 522.
Ajax on Belgian ecclesiastical antiquities, 65.
—— Ceylon map, 65.
—— Flemish and Dutch painters, 65.
A. (J. H.) on Drake the artist, 246.
—— hardening steel bars, 65.
—— Turner's views, 89.
A. (J. M.) on inscription on penny of Geo. III., 65.
"A Joabi Alloquio," &c., its author, 571. 630.
A. (J. S.) on belfry towers, 333.
—— early winters, 405.
—— longevity, 504.
—— pictures of Spanish armada, 454.
A. (J. T.) on "The Birch," a poem, 220.
—— Clerical portrait, 407.
Ake and ache, how pronounced, 472.