The Student of Salamanca. Part I. | 521 |
Humboldt. | 541 |
Hakem the Slave. | 560 |
The Lay of Starkàther. | 570 |
Mozart. | 572 |
Account of a Visit to the Volcano of Kirauea. | 591 |
The Days of the Fronde. | 596 |
The Grand General Junction and Indefinite | |
Extension Railway Rhapsody. | 614 |
Sketches of Italy—Lucca | 617 |
The Railways. | 633 |
It wanted about an hour of sunseton the last day of September 1833,when two young men, whose respectiveages did not much exceed twentyyears, emerged from a country laneupon the high-road from Tarazona toTudela, in that small district of Navarrewhich lies south of the riverEbro.
The equipments of the travellers—forsuch the dusty state of their apparel,and the knapsacks upon theirshoulders, indicated them to be—wereexactly similar, and well calculatedfor a pedestrian journey across the steepsierras and neglected roads of Spain.They consisted, with little variation, ofthe national Spanish dress—short jacketsof dark cloth, somewhat braidedand embroidered, knee-breeches of thesame material, and broad-brimmedhats, surrounded by velvet bands.Only, instead of the tight-fittingstockings and neat pumps, whichshould have completed the costume,long leathern gamashes extended fromknee to ankle, and were met belowthe latter by stout high-quarteredsho