Some idea of the evils consequent on acoal strike can be obtained when we hear there was talk of a footballmatch in the North having to be cancelled.
Mr. Lloyd George is certainly mostunlucky. As a result of the coal strike the New World has again beenpostponed.
We are assured that everything has been done to safeguard our foodsupply. We ourselves have heard of one grocer who has sufficient fresheggs to last him for many months.
"Large numbers of South Wales miners left by train yesterday forthe seaside," says Lloyd’s News. Unfortunately they didnot travel by the Datum Line.
The Opera House at Covent Garden is to be used as a cinema theatre.Meanwhile the House of Commons remains firm.
The Daily Mail Prize Hat has now been chosen, though it isnot yet definitely decided whether the wearing of it will be madecompulsory. If it is, we understand thatMr. Winston Churchill will apply forexemption.
Thieves have broken into the railway station at Blaenau Festiniogand stolen a quantity of chocolate. Apparently with the idea ofconfusing the police, they left the name of the station behindthem.
Twenty-one persons have been injured as the result of the explosionof a bomb in a first-class carriage on the Brazil Central Railway. Theculprit, we understand, has written to the company expressing regret,but pointing out that no seat was available in a third-classcarriage.
A ship’s cook has been fined twenty shillings for refusing tojoin his ship, his excuse being that he had seen a rat as big as a catin the cabin. It was pointed out to him that only ship’sofficers are entitled to see rats in the cabin.
A company has been formed at Stockholm for storing wind power.There should be a great demand for the insides of some puff pastrythat we know of.
An American has invented an aeroplane capable of remaining in theair for hours and hours. This is nothing toMr. Asquith’s Irish solution, whichis guaranteed to remain in the air for years and years.
Brides are getting rather tired of Harris’s lilies, says awriter inThe Daily Graphic. It is only natural that brides should becomerather bored if they always wear the same sort of flowers every timethey’re married.
Mr. E. Van Ingen, a New York merchantnow in London, boasts that he has crossed the Atlantic one hundred andsixty-eight times. It may be against the Prohibition laws, but wefancy it would be cheaper if he kept a few bottles of the stuff in NewYork.
A medical man advises people to use dried milk on health grounds.We have felt for some time that what was wanted was a really goodwaterproof milk.
Mr. E. A. Douse has spent forty-twoyears in a Cheshire post-office. It is only fair to say that the younglady behind the counter didn’t notice him standing there allthat time.
A Hertfordshire farmer, says The Daily Mail, has counted onehundred and twenty-three grains of wheat in one ear. Our contemporaryhas not yet decided what can be done about it.
"What is the right age for a man to marry