Copyright, 1895, by Harper & Brothers. All Rights Reserved.
published weekly. | NEW YORK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1895. | five cents a copy. |
vol. xvii.—no. 841. | two dollars a year. |
The tide ran so swiftly that at first it appeared to George that he didnot gain an inch on the drifting boat, and the short choppy wavesdashing against his face almost drove his breath away at times. The daywhen his brother William had saved him from drowning at Stanham Millscame back to him.
But surely he was drawing nearer! he could see the hull much moredistinctly, and could hear the loose oars rolling across the thwarts.
Desperately he forged along; he was calling on his nerves, his vitalforce, for a last effort. In a moment more he reached the stern, and,pl