E-text prepared by Jonathan Ingram
and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team
The threatened shortage of paperhas led a few unkind persons toenquire upon what our diplomatic victoriesare hereafter to be achieved.
An interned German was recentlygiven a week's freedom in which to getmarried, and the interesting questionhas now been raised as to whether hischildren, when they reach the age oftwenty-one, will be liable to the ConscriptionAct or will have to be internedas alien enemies.
According to Miss Ellen Terry butlittle attention has been given by thecritics to the letters in Shakspeare'splays. We rather thought that one ofGermany's intelligent young professorshad recently subjected the letters to asearching analysis, the result being toestablish beyond a reasonable doubtthat England started the War.
From The Observer:—
"The King has sent a congratulatory letterto Mrs. Mann of Nottingham, who has ninesons serving in the Army and Navy. This isbelieved to be a record for one working-classfamily."
Though a mere bagatelle, of course, forthe idle rich.
We regret to read of the death fromtuberculosis of one of the most popularand playful of the Zoological Society'scrocodiles. Death is said to have beenhastened by a severe chill contractedby the intelligent reptile as the resultof leaving off a warm undervest, thegift of an elderly female admirer, inorder to pursue, in jest, of course, thekeeper of the reptile house down a drain.
A Persian newspaper entitled Kavehis now being published in Berlin forthe purpose of increasing popular interestin Persian affairs. Its title isshort for "Kaveh kanem!" (Bewareof the Bulldog!)
Women who have volunteered to doagricultural work in place of mencalled to the colours will wear a greenarmlet, green being selected in preferenceto red on account of the possibilityof cows.
The proposal that wives whosehusbands, though of military age, havenot attested under the Derby Act shallbe allowed to wear a ribbon on the leftarm to signify that it is not their fault,is said to have received considerablesupport.
There is no pleasing everybody. Lastweek Mr. Tennant told the House ofCommons that hereafter "the Navywould undertake to deal with all hostileaircraft attempting to reach this country,while the Army undertook to dealwith all aircraft which reached theseshores." And now the Horse Marinesare asking bitterly why they are not tobe permitted to share in the great work.
The German Government has putrestrictions on the sale of sauerkraut,and a hideous rumour is afoot to theeffect that they are preparing to use iton the prisoners by forcible feeding.
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