Inconsistent punctuation has been silently corrected.
Obvious misspellings have been silently corrected, and the following correctionsmade to the text. Other spelling and hyphenation variations have not been modified.
The spelling of Sanskrit words are normalized to some extent, includingcorrect/addition of accents where necessary. Note that the author uses á, í, úto indicate long vowels. This notation has not been changed.
The LPP edition (1999) which has been scanned for this ebook, is of poorquality, and in some cases text was missing. Where possible, the missing/uncleartext has been supplied from another edition, which has the same typographical basis(both editions are photographical reprints of the same source, or perhaps one is acopy of the other): Bharatiya Publishing House, Delhi 1978.
A third edition, Parimal Publications, Delhi 1998, which is based on anOCR scanning of the same typographical basis, has also been consulted.
The term “Gloss.” or “Glossary” probably refers to the extensive classical commentary to Yoga Vásishtha by Ananda Bodhendra Saraswati (only available in Sanskrit).
Angle brackets <...> have been used by the transcriber to indicate light editing ofthe text to insert missing words.
Plato advised the Athenians to betake themselves to the study ofMathematics, in order to evade the pestilence incident to theinternational war which was raging in Greece; so it is the intentionof this publication, to exhort our countrymen to the investigationof Metaphysics, in order to escape the contagion of Politics andquasi politics, which has been spreading far and wide over thisdevoted land.
V. L. M.
in 4 vols. in 7 pts.
(Bound in 4.)
Vol. 1
The Vairagya, Mumukshu, Prakaranas and
The Utpatti Khanda to Chapter L.
Translated from the original Sanskrit
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Reprinted in LPP 1999
ISBN 81-7536-179-4 (set)
ISBN 81-7536-180-8 (vol. 1)
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