

VOL. 147.

November 11, 1914.

[Pg 389]


"In Buenos Aires and other parts ofArgentina," The Express tells us,"people are tired of the war, and abrisk trade is being done in the sale ofbuttons to be worn by the purchaser,inscribed with the words 'No me hablade la guerra' ('Don't talk to me aboutthe war')." The Kaiser, we understand,has now sent for one of thesebuttons.

The Crown Prince Rupprecht ofBavaria, in an order to his troops lastweek, referred to the British in thefollowing words:—"Here is the enemywhich chiefly blocks the way in thedirection of restoration of peace." Conceivea "contemptible littlearmy" being able to do that!It makes one wonder whetherthe first epithet was perhapsa misprint for "contemptuous."

The Germans are now callingthe Allies a Menagerie,though curiously enough it isthe others who have a Turkeywaddling after them.

According to a report whichreaches us the crews of theGoeben and Breslau are wearinga most curious garb, beingclothed in Turkish fezes andbreaches of neutrality.

French Marines' Big Feet."

Irish Independent.

This is really a most unfortunatemisprint, for it is justthis kind of carping statementthat leads the Germans to say we arefalling out with our Allies.

There is much speculation as towhether there is German blackmailbehind the announcement that themaximum period of quarantine forimported dogs has been reduced fromsix months to four.

The only animals left alive in theAntwerp Zoo are reported to be theelephants, which are now being usedfor military traction purposes. Lateron it is proposed by the Germans todrive them into the lines of the Indiantroops with a view to making the latterhome-sick.

Mr. Algernon Ashton asks in TheEvening News, "Why is the PoetLaureate so strangely silent?"Everyone else will remember Mr.Bridges' patriotic lines at the beginningof the War, and we begin to suspectthat Mr. Ashton's well-knownrepugnance to writing for the papershas been extended to the reading ofthem.

The Daily Mirror, to signalise itseleventh birthday, produced a "MonsterNumber," yet it contained no portraitof the Kaiser.

Happening to meet a music-hallacquaintance we asked him how hethought the war was going, and hereplied, "Oh, I think the managerswill have to give in."

America is evidently attempting toattract some of the devotees of wintersports who usually go to Switzerland.Another landslide on the PanamaCanal is now announced.

We are sorry to have to bring acharge of lack of gallantry against TheLeicester Mail. We refer to the followingpassage in its description of anovation given to Driver Osborne, V.C.,at Derby on the 31st ult. After describinghow, in the course of a greatreception given to him by a large crowdat the station, two or three buxommatrons insisted upon embracing him,our contemporary continues: "DriverOsborne has now practically recovered,and reports himself for duty again atthe end of this week."

The municipality of Berlin has decidedto substitute for th



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