Louis Fourteenth
The Regent and His Mother
A pious Capuchin explained her dream toherAlways has a fictitious malady inreserveArt of satisfying people even while hereproved their requestsAsked the King a hundred questions,which is not the fashionBad company spoils good mannersBecause the Queen has only the rinsingsof the glassBut all shame is extinct in FranceDuc de Grammont, then Ambassador,played the ConfessorDuplicity passes for wit, and franknessis looked upon as follyEven doubt whether he believes in theexistence of a GodExclaimed so long against highhead-dressesFollies and superstitions as therosaries and other thingsFormerly the custom to swear horridlyon all occasionsFrequent and excessive bathing haveundermined her healthGreat filthiness in the interior oftheir housesGreat things originated from the mostinsignificant triflesHe had good natural wit, but wasextremely ignorantHe always slept in the Queen's bedHe was a good sort of man,notwithstanding his weaknessesHer teeth were very ugly, being blackand broken (Queen)Honour grows again as well as hairI thought I should win it, and so Ilost itI never take medicine but on urgentoccasionsI wished the husband not to be informedof itI have seldom been at a loss forsomething to laugh atI am unquestionably very uglyI had a mind, he said, to commit onesin, but not twoI formed a religion of my ownIf I should die, shall I not have livedlong enough?It is an unfortunate thing for a mannot to know himselfIt was not permitted to argue with himJewels and decoration attract attention(to the ugly)Like will to likeLouis XIV. scarcely knew how to readand writeMade his mistresses treat her with allbecoming respectMy husband proposed separate bedsNo man more ignorant of religion thanthe King wasNobility becoming poor could not affordto buy the high officesNot lawful to investigate in matters ofreligionOld MaintenonOnly your illegitimate daughterOriginal manuscripts of the Memoirs ofCardinal RetzProvided they are talked of, they aresatisfiedRobes battantes for the purpose ofconcealing her pregnancySeeing myself look as ugly as I reallyam (in a mirror)She never could be agreeable to womenSince becoming Queen she had not had aday of real happinessSo great a fear of hell had beeninstil...BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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