“Can’t you head ’em off, Patsey? Run, you fool! run,can’t you?”
Sounds followed that suggested the intemperate use of Mr. FreddyAlexander’s pocket-handkerchief, but that were, in effect, produced byhis struggle with a brand new hunting-horn. To this demonstration about as muchattention was paid by the nine couple of buccaneers whom he was now exercisingfor the first time as might have been expected, and it was brought to abruptconclusion by the sudden charge of two of them from the rear. Being coupled,they mowed his legs from under him as irresistibly as chain shot and beingpuppies, and of an imbecile friendliness they remained to lick his face andgenerally make merry over him as he struggled to his feet.
By this time the leaders of the pack were well away up a ploughed field, over afence and into