Transcriber’s Note
Obvious misprints have beenfixed. Archaic and unusual words, spellings and styling have beenmaintained. Details of thechangesare in the Detailed Transcriber’s Notesat the end of the book. Hovering over a Greek word will display its transliteration.
This book was published in two volumes, of which this is the second.The first volume was released as Project Gutenberg ebook #31558,available at Links to the firstvolume have not been created in this volume.
Transcriber Added
Page | |
Dedication | v |
Preface | vii |
Monograph on the Cirripedia | 1 |
Introduction | 1 |
On the Names given to the different parts of Cirripedes | 3 |
Class Crustacea, Sub-Class Cirripedia | 9 |
On the Sexual Relation of Cirripedes | 23 |
Order I.—Thoracica | 30 |
Family Balanidæ | 33 |
Table of Contents | 33 |
Structure of Shell | 34 |
Structure of the Individual Compartments | 43 |
Structure of the Radii | 45 |
Structure of the Alæ | 47 |
Structure of the Sheath | 48 |
Structure of the Basis | 49 |
Structure of the Opercular Valves (Scuta and Terga) | 51 |
Growth of the Whole Shell, and Its Microscopical Structure | 54 |
Muscles of Sack | 61 |
Branchiæ | 63 |
Thorax and Body | 65 |
Muscular System | 68 |
Movements and Muscles of the Cirri | ... BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!Sitemize Üyelik ÜCRETSİZDİR! |