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Oh, that men should put an enemy into
their mouths to steal away their brains!
Printed by F. Houlston and Son.
Price Two-pence.
Little Oliver was born of respectable parents, who lived in a pleasantand fruitful part of the country. They had a small farm of their own,and were very industrious in cultivating it. Little Oliver used todrive the horses, while his[Pg 6] father held the plough. Mrs. Oliver keptthe house neat and clean, and made excellent butter and cheese, whichwere in great repute all the country round. Their daughter milked thecows, and assisted her mother in cleaning the house, and in[Pg 7] doingany thing else that was wanted; for she was a dutiful girl, and sogood-tempered, that all their neighbours directed their children toimitate the behaviour of Patty Oliver. But, notwithstanding all theseprosperous circumstances, misfortunes, to[Pg 8] which all are liable, cameupon them, and they were reduced to poverty.