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Transcriber’s Note: Please be advised that this First Aid book is very oldand its advice and practices should not be taken as the best, safest, modern choices.
Mary Frances Puts Her First Aid Knowledge into Practice
This book is for every boy and girl who hopes to renderfirst-aid to the sick or injured—in time of peace—in timeof war—at all times in the service of
This book is more than a story to inspire children witha desire to relieve suffering; it is a simplified and handyreference book, telling what to do in cases of accident orillness. In no sense is it intended to take the place ofthe physician. The first principle of first-aid cannot toooften be repeated—when in doubt, send for the doctor.
Especial thanks are due to E. A. Y. Schellenger, M.D.,member Surgical Staff, Cooper Hospital, Camden, N. J., forhis great assistance in verifying and revising the medicaland first-