Transcriber’s Note:
The cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
This book owes its publication to the warm interesttaken in its initiation by a Committee comprisedof the G.O.C., A.I.F., in Egypt; the G.O’s.C.Anzac and Australian Mounted Divisions andBrigades, and a number of other senior A.I.F.officers; and, later, to the generosity of the manycontributors of paintings, sketches, photographs,verse and prose.
“Australia in Palestine” is in no sense intended as a complete pictureof the Australians’ part in the Great Campaign. It is merely a Soldiers’Book, produced almost entirely by soldiers in the field under active serviceconditions to send to their friends in Australia and abroad. An editionhas also been published for sale to the general public, and any profitsderived from it will go to one of the A.I.F. funds.
Thanks are due to our many contributors, and in particular toMr. James McBey, the Official British Artist in Palestine, for his fineportrait of General Allenby (specially drawn for this book) and othersketches; to Captain Hodgkinson, British Press Officer, for permission touse many British official photographs; to Mr. Jeapes, British OfficialCinema Photographer, for the loan of many snapshots; and to SergeantE. A. Hodda, A.I.F., who took charge of the business arrangements,and to whose keen interest and ability our obligation is substantial.
We have also to thank Major N. D. Barton, 7th A.L.H. Regiment,and Messrs. H. M. Somer and Sydney Ure Smith for thevaluable assistance they have given as Committee of Publication inAustralia.