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The publication of this little volume hasfor its object a better understanding of actualconditions, immediately following theinvasion of a hostile army. The hope is indulgedthat the harrowing scenes witnessedby the author in Belgium, after the Germaninvasion in 1914, may induce our own countrymenand women to more fully appreciatethe blessings of peace. The events narratedare set forth as actually occurring, and—“withmalice to none, with charity for all.”
Any profits derived from its favorable receptionby the reading public or the charitablyinclined are to be devoted to the reconstructionand repair of our school andconvent, damaged during the engagement atthe Fortress of Willebroeck, or for the establishmentof a sewing school, with a lace-makingdepartment, for young women inAmerica or England, as our Reverend Superiorsmay decide.
4Any assistance in this charitable workwill be gratefully appreciated by the authorand her scattered community in Belgium,England and Holland.
La Supérieure du Couvent des Filles deMarie a Willebroeck, Province d’Anvers,en Belgique déclare par la présente que sessoeurs Marie Antoine et Marie Cecile sontenvoyées aux Ex