Shewing sundry present preseruatiues for the same, by wholsome fumes, drinks, vomits, and other inward receits: as also, the perfect cure (by implaysture) of any that are therewith infected.
Nowe necessary to be obserued of euery Housholder, to auoyde the infection, lately begun in some places of this Cittie.
Written by a learned Phisition, for the health of his Countrey.
Printed by Iohn Charlwood,
for Thomas Nelson.
or as much as the force andenfection of the ordenaryedisease, called the Plagueor pestilence, hath heeretoforebeene too well knowneand felt, in sundry places ofthis Realme: and considering,that it hath of late begun to increase in sundrychiefe citties & populous places; I thought itgood to publish to you in time, sundry preseruatiuesagainst the said disease, the better to defendthose that are in health, from the infection of thediseased. And also to cure those that are anyway infected, grieued, or troubled with thesame. And to this I was imboldned, the rather forthat it was written by a very learned and approouedPhisition, of our time, who desirethmore the health of hys Countrey, than by discocouering2his name, seeme vaine-glorious to theworld. Accept this same I pray you in good part,and thanke God for the Phisitions paynes, whohath his desire, if it may doe but that which heewisheth: namely to expell sicknes, and encreasehealth to this Land. Which God for his merciesake, prosper and preserue from all plagues anddaungers, for euermore. Amen.
o keepe your houses, streetes, yardes,backsides, sinckes, and kennels, sweeteand cleane from all standing puddles,which engender stincking sauors, thatmay be noysome, or breede infection: norsuffer no dogges to come running into your houses,neither keepe any, except it bee backward, in someplace of open ayre: for they are very daungerous,& not sufferable in time of sicknes, by reason theyrunne from place to place, & from one house to an other,feeding vppon the vncleanest things that arecast forth into the streetes and are a most apt cattellto take infection of any sicknes, and then to bring itinto the house.
Ayer your seuerall roomes with Charcole fiers,made in stone pans or Chafingdishes, and not inChimneys: set your pans in the middle of theroomes: ayer euery roome once a weeke (at the least)