Transcribed from the 1889 George Routledge and Sons “TheTale of a Tub and Other Works” edition by StephenRice. Additional proofing , email
Prayers used by the Dean for Stella | |
On Mutual Subjection | |
On Sleeping in Church | |
On the Wisdom of this World |
Almighty and most gracious LordGod, extend, we beseech Thee, Thy pity and compassion toward thisThy languishing servant; teach her to place her hope andconfidence entirely in Thee; give her a true sense of theemptiness and vanity of all earthly things; make her trulysensible of all the infirmities of her life past, and grant toher such a true sincere repentance as is not to be repentedof. Preserve her, O Lord, in a sound mind and understandingduring this Thy visitation; keep her from both the sad extremesof presumption and despair. If Thou shalt please to restoreher to her former health, give her grace to be ever mindful ofthat mercy, and to keep those good resolutions she now makes inher sickness, so that no length of time nor prosperity may enticeher to forget them. Let no thought of her misfortunesdistract her mind, and prevent the means toward her recovery, ordisturb her in her preparations for a better life. Webeseech thee also, O Lord, of Thy infinite goodness, to rememberthe good actions of this Thy servant; that the naked she hathclothed, the hungry she hath fed, the sick and the fatherlesswhom she hath relieved, may be reckoned according to Thy graciouspromise, as if they had been done unto Thee. Hearken, OLord, to the prayers offered up by the friends of this Thyservant in her behalf, and especially those now made by us untothee. Give Thy blessing to those endeavours used for herrecovery; but take from her all violent desire either of life ordeath, further than with resignation to Thy holy will. Andnow, O Lord, we implore Thy gracious favour toward us here mettogether. Grant that the sense of this Thy servant’sweakness may add strength to our faith; that we, considering theinfirmities of our nature and the uncertainty of life, may bythis example be drawn to repentance before it shall please Theeto visit us in like manner. Accept these prayers, webeseech Thee, for the sake of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, ourLord, who, with Thee and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth,ever one God, world without end. Amen.
Most merciful Father, accept ourhumblest prayers in behalf of this Thy languishing servant;forgive the sins, the frailties, and infirmities of her lifepast. Accept the