vol. iii.—no. 134. | Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. | price four cents. |
Tuesday, May 23, 1882. | Copyright, 1882, by Harper & Brothers. | $1.50 per Year, in Advance. |
But the time was passing rapidly, and as there were many persons outsidewaiting for an opportunity to pay their money to see the various[Pg 466]attractions of the show, Mrs. Treat gave the signal for thesnake-charmer to begin. The entertainment, the skeleton explained, wasgiven as a mark of respect to their friend Toby Tyler.
This private exhibition lasted about fifteen minutes; and when, at itsclose, the doors were thrown open to the public, the boys were not atall anxious to leave.
"Let them stay as long as they want to, Toby," said the skeleton,indulgently.
The boys were only too glad to avail themselves of this permission, andToby said to Abner:
"I want to see if I can find Ella, an' you stay here till I come back."
"I'll keep him right here by me," said Mrs. Treat, "and h