E-text prepared by Al Haines
BENHADAD: | King of Damascus. | |
REZON: | High Priest of the House of Rimmon. | |
SABALLIDIN: | A Noble of Damascus. | |
HAZAEL IZDUBHAR RAKHAZ | } | Courtiers of Damascus. |
SHUMAKIM: | The King's Fool. | |
ELISHA: | Prophet of Israel. | |
NAAMAN: | Captain of the Armies of Damascus. | |
RUAHMAH: | A Captive Maid of Israel. | |
TSARPI: | Wife to Naaman. | |
KHAMMA NUBTA | } | Attendants of Tsarpi. |
Soldiers, Servants, Citizens, etc., etc. |
SCENE: Damascus and the Mountains of Samaria. |
TIME: 850 B. C. |
Night, in the garden of NAAMAN at Damascus. At theleft, on aslightly raised terrace, the palace, with softly gleaming lightsandmusic coming from the open latticed windows. The garden is fullofoleanders, roses, pomegranates, abundance of crimson flowers; theairis heavy with their fragrance: a fountain at the right is plashinggently: behind it is an arbour BU KİTABI OKUMAK İÇİN ÜYE OLUN VEYA GİRİŞ YAPIN!
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