Transcriber's Notes:
1. Page scan source:
WALDFRIED. A Novel. Translated by Simon Adler Stern, 12mo,cloth,$2.00.
THE VILLA ON THE RHINE. A Romance. Translated by James Davis.With aportrait of the author. 16mo. Leisure Hour Series. 2 vols., $1.25 pervol.; Pocket Edition, four parts, paper, uniform with the Tauchnitzbooks, 40 cents per part, or $1.50 complete.
BLACK FOREST VILLAGE STORIES. Translated by Charles Goepp.Illustratedwith fac-similies of the original German wood-cuts. 16mo, Leisure HourSeries, $1.25.
THE LITTLE BAREFOOT. A Tale. Translated by Eliza BuckminsterLEE.Illustrated, 16mo, Leisure Hour Series, $1.25.
JOSEPH IN THE SNOW. A Tale. Illustrated, 16mo. Leisure HourSeries,$1.25.
25 Bond Street, New York.
Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, by
In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.
Stereotyper and Printer, 56, 58 and 60 Park Street, New York.
In a letter bringing me his greetings for the New Year, 1870,my eldestson thus wrote to me from America:
"We have been sorely tried of late. Wolfgang, our onlyremaining child,lay for weeks at death's door. I avoided mentioning this to you before;but now he is out of danger.
"'Take me to your father in the forest,' were the firstdistinct wordshe uttered after his illness. He is a lusty youth, and inherits hismother's hardy Westphalian constitution.
"In his feverish wanderings, he often spoke of you, and alsoof a greatfire, in strange phrases, none of which he can now recall.
"He has awakened my own heartfelt desire to return, and now weshallcome. We have fully determined to leave in the spring. I lose no timein writing to you of this, because I feel that the daily thought of ourmeeting again will be fraught with pleasure for both of us.
"Ah, if mother were still alive! Oh, that I had returned intime tohave seen her!
"Telegraph to me as soon as you receive tidings of brotherErnst. I amanxious once again to behold Germany, which is at last becoming a realnation. We who are out here in America are beginning to feel proud ofour Fatherland.
"We are surely coming! Pray send word to my brothers andsisters.
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