Illustrations have been moved slightly to avoid falling withinparagraphs. The full-page illustrations with a blank versoparticipated in pagination. These pages have been removed,and page numbers are skipped.
Illustrations have been moved slightly to avoid falling withinparagraphs. Each chapter begins with an illustrated 'drop-cap'including the first letter of the chapter. With the exceptionof Chapter XI, these are not reproduced in this version. Theillustration for Chapter XI has a caption, and is mentionedin the list of illustrations, and so has been retained ina slightly altered form.
The few footnotes have been moved to the end of paragraph in whichthey are referenced.
Minor errors, attributable to the printer, have been corrected. Pleasesee the transcriber’s note at the end of this textfor details regarding the handling of any textual issues encounteredduring its preparation.
Corrections appear as hyperlinks to the endnote’s errata table wherethe original text is given, in context, and brief note of thechange.
Corrections appear as underlined word or phrase. If thecursor is placed over the phrase, the original text appears in a popuptool-tip. The endnote’s errata table will provide a brief explanationof the change to be found at the indicated page and line of the original.
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