More than a million pounds of concealed sugar have beendiscovered in New York. It is suspected that this was intended asthe nucleus of a hoard.
A contemporary recently stated that LENIN claims to stand forthe leadership of Russia. But surely they do not stand forleadership in Russia. They rush for it with revolvers.
"This is a time for action, not for talk," said Colonel HOUSE onhis arrival in England. A stinging rejoinder is expected from theFOOD-CONTROLLER'S Department.
It is rumoured that the restaurant keepers have agreed amongthemselves that to avoid confusion the price of all beefsteaksshall be stamped clearly on the sole.
The Meat Order will probably be amended to make meat-stalls rankas shops. At present of course they suffer under the stigma ofbeing merely places where you can purchase meat.
We understand that, in order to avoid confusion and undue alarm,German prisoners in this country will in future be expected to givetwelve hours' notice of their intention to escape.
Sugar is to be omitted from a number of medical preparationsfrom December 1st, and children are complaining that the decisionhas quite spoilt their Christmas prospects.
Counsel, in a prosecution for selling a tobacco substitute, hasstated that there is nothing in the Act to prevent a man fromsmoking what he likes. In the trade this is generally regarded as anasty underhand jab at the British cigar industry.
Lord RHONDDA, in announcing his new rationing scheme,differentiates between brain workers and manual workers. It will beinteresting to see to which category certain Government officialswill be assigned.
"The bamboo," according to a weekly paper, "holds the recordamong plants for rapid growth, having been known to grow two feetin twelve hours." The silence of allotment holders on this subjectis significant.
Mr. SYDNEY G. GAMBLE, second in command of the London FireBrigade, is about to retire. There is some talk of arranging afarewell fire.
We understand, by the way, that retirement from the London FireBrigade always carries with it the privilege of wearing the uniformat one's own fires.
A theatrical paper advertises for a "Male impersonator" forpantomime. No conscientious objector need apply.
A news message to the Politiken states that the people ofIceland are making demands for their own flag or separation. Themovement seems to be an isolated one and not likely to spread.Anyhow, there is no cause for alarm at Tooting, where theauthorities are not expecting any trouble of this kind.
A Cranford dairyman has been selling milk at threepence perquart. In trade circles it is supposed that he is doing it for awager.
According to The Evening News, Councillor WILLIAMSHEARRING, the new Mayor of Bermondsey, started life as a van boy.This gave him a pull over most of us, who started life asinfants.
After December 17th, parcels for neutral countries may not besent without a permit. Cement and other articles intended for enemyconsumption can only be forwarded by specia